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Here’s What Happened Before More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8
The episode starts with Jirou and Sadaharu chilling on the rooftop of the school. Sadaharu asked Jirou if everything was fine between him and Akari. Jirou tried to brush away the question, but Sadaharu noted that he might be avoiding his wife, Akari, so Jirou outrightly denied avoiding her. Meanwhile, Shiori was struggling to dispose of the garbage bags, so Sachi and Natsumi decided to help her out. Jirou and Sadaharu happened to pass by and Sachi called on them to help Shiori. As soon as Shiori and Jirou saw each other, they recalled their last encounter in the nurse’s room. Sachi and Natsumi could sense the chemistry between Jirou and Shiori and wondered if they will be more than just childhood friends. Later, Sachi and Natsumi met with Akari. They were struggling to reveal what they witnessed between Jirou and Shiori. Sachi mustered enough courage and asked Akari what she thought about Jirou. She noted that it was impossible Akari didn’t feel anything for Jirou. When Akari could not deny it, Sachi understood that she has feelings for him. Natsumi then asked if she gets excited when she sees Minami’s name on the attendance list. Akari admitted that she seemed to stop getting excited about Minami. She said that she felt she was getting in Shiori and Minami’s way, but Sachi reminded her that everyone is only pretending in the Couple Practical course and that she shouldn’t worry about it. The duo tried to cheer Akari up and told her to calm her mind. Later, Sachi and Natsumi learned about the fireworks event that was being organized. They thought it would be a good idea for Minami and Akari to spend some quality time together. On the day of the event, Akari asked Jirou to help her tie her yukata. Jirou was clearly struggling, and Akari was only making it difficult for him to concentrate. He said there was no need to wear the yukata but Akari said that Minami will be at the event so she needed to look her best. Jirou was slightly jealous because she would not dress up for him. Jirou liked the ribbon knot but Akari wanted a more elaborate-looking knot, so she asked him to do it again. Reluctantly, he tried to do it again, and this time, it was a cuter knot than before. Akari was happy as she looked excited. She even went on to tease Jirou that he would be alone in the apartment while she will be out enjoying the evening with the love of her life. She told him not to call her because she will be having fun with Minami. At the event, Sachi and Natsumi were blown away by how gorgeous Akari looked and they complimented her yukata. Sachi said that Minami and his friends will be there any minute. Natsumi explained that they talked to everyone except Minami, so it will all go according to plan. Akari was feeling nervous, but Sachi assured her that she looked cute and would leave a lasting impression on Minami. Akari recalled how patiently Jirou helped her get ready and it was because of him that she could carry this look. She was conflicted and wondered if she kept looking at Minami and grew fond of him, will she be able to live comfortably with Jirou? Meanwhile, Terafune and his friends arrived, so Sachi asked them about Minami. They apologized and revealed that he could not make it because he was needed at the café due to the excessive holiday rush. Sachi was fuming as she blasted him for not doing the one job she gave him. As the episode progressed, Akari did see Minami hanging out with Shiori at the fair. She was devastated to see them together and asked herself if she should just give up. Akari apologized to Sachi and Natsumi and left for home. Meanwhile, Jirou was thinking that Akari was having fun with Minami. Suddenly, he got a call from Akari, which surprised him. When he picked it up, Akari broke down in tears, so Jirou offered to come and pick her up. Later, he found out that she was sitting outside their apartment. She was feeling defeated and crying her heart out. Jirou was warm and embraced Akari as she continued crying in his arms. The final moments of the episode showcased Jirou and Akari bonding with each other as they enjoyed the fireworks show together from their balcony. READ MORE: Do Akari and Jirou End Up Together in More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers?
Here’s a Preview of What Will Happen in More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8
In the bath, Jirou continues to ponder the reason for Akari’s tears on the day of the fireworks show. He never asked about what happened that night with Minami. Suddenly, Akari appears and looks frightened. As it turns out, she came across a spider and wants Jirou to be by her side as she was scared. Jirou accompanies her to the bathroom and even gives her ice cream. The distance between Jirou and Akari is now getting smaller.
Here’s the Release Date of More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8 is slated to release on November 27, 2022, in all regions, including the US, the UK, Europe, and Japan.
Here’s the Release Time of More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8
In Japan, Episode 8 of More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers is scheduled to broadcast on November 27, at 10:00 PM JST. Based on this information, the release times for other international regions will be as follows:
Pacific Time: 6:00 AM (November 27, 2022)Central Time: 8:00 AM (November 27, 2022)Eastern Time: 9:00 AM (November 27, 2022)British Time: 2:00 PM (November 27, 2022)
Please bear in mind that the streaming time may differ from the actual broadcast time in Japan. YOU MIGHT LIKE: Does Akari Like Jirou in More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers?
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8 COUNTDOWN
Here’s Where You Can Watch More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8
More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers Episode 8 will be available to stream on Crunchyroll. Ani-One Asia will also stream Episode 8 in various Asian countries. Discover more anime news and info by following us on Twitter @epicstreamanime. READ NEXT: Best Romance Anime With a Happy Ending